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DMDI is a distribution company of optical products for the national market and ophthalmic lenses. It imports its products from several countries inside and outside the European Union.


Proposing innovative, technical and quality products to our customers, but above all providing them with a service of Excellence, respecting the privacy policies of each company, as well as guaranteeing them security in the management and protection of the data they can provide and that imply any sensitive information that should be protected.

Treatment and Use of Personal Data:

All personal data will be handled by our company, headquartered at EN. 1 – KM 144, No 22, Carts, 3100-323 POMBAL, and with the NIF.: 504 153 722. In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation, DMDI, Lda, is responsible for the processing of your personal data.

For questions related to the processing of personal data, please contact us through the following means: Telephone: 236 200 760 | or Fax 236 200 769

DMDI only collects Personal Data, within the scope of its professional activity, and for contractual purposes, which are not shared with any other entity, except in cases of non-compliance with legal, legal and/or tax requirements. For any other situation that may be necessary, an authorization request will always be made, case by case, and to the respective Person.

For contractual purposes, commercial agreements, opening of customer files and respective institutional communication, we collect the following data:

  • Name

  • address

  • Profession

  • Areas of interest

  • Birth date

  • CC Copy

  • Gender

  • Email address

  • Photograph

  • Phone/mobile number

  • NIF

  • Address for billing purposes

  • NIB and bank details

  • Positions

  • Company Name

  • Photos of company members/customers

  • Photos of store windows and interiors

Data processing will be done only and always with your consent.

All information internal to the company is made through an email address created by our company (@dmdi,pt) for each of its employees, except and only in exceptional cases, it may be necessary, if you authorize, to send information that only if they concern you, through a personal contact, which is email and/or telephone/mobile.

Consent to the processing of personal data for marketing, communication and events purposes may be revoked at any time.

Marketing and Communication

DMDI, may use the email address of its customers to communicate, always through the professional email address, otherwise, we will always be careful to ask you to authorize the sending of communication through another means. to advertise your products, inform you of a new concept and/or send invitations; such as for: events, commercial meetings, sales showrooms, new concepts, exhibitions, parties, seminars, conferences. You can also send information about campaigns, promotions, competitions.

We keep your personal data only for the time necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was collected. The data owner must ensure that the Personal Data communicated to DMDI are correct and undertakes to participate in any alteration or modification thereof.

The data holder is expressly warned that, when revealing Personal Data in public media, such as Facebook, Youtube, Linkdin, Instagram, tweeter, this information may be seen and used by third parties.

Video surveillance:

DMDI has a video surveillance system, duly signposted, in some spaces. The capture of images is intended for the safety of people and goods.

Will my information be shared?

Your personal information may be disclosed:

  • Within the scope of internal management and through the contractual relationship with mandatory/state regime entities: finance, social security, banks.

  • To third-party service providers to DMDI, always in the work context and context and that are necessary for the performance of the functions performed, such as: work trips and fairs.

Where is my data stored?

DMDI stores the data on the server, entered in Human Resources, where only the person responsible for this department and the employer have access. DMDI has a "Firewall" system that guarantees security to our computer network and also serves to determine and/or limit access to different users.

What are my rights?

At any time, you can ask us

  • Access to information we have about you;

  • Correction of information if it is incorrect or incomplete;

  • To delete or limit the processing of your personal data;

  • If the processing depends on your consent or agreement and this is done by automated means, you have the right to send personal data previously provided, in a structured, commonly used form and in a readable information format.

Your requests will be handled with special care so that we can ensure the effectiveness of your rights. You may be asked to provide proof of your identity, in order to ensure that personal data is only shared with the owner.

You should be aware that in certain cases (eg due to legal requirements) your request may not be immediately satisfied. In any case, you will be informed of the measures taken in this regard, within a maximum period of one month from the moment the request is made.

You also have the right to file a complaint with the National Data Protection Commission.

right of access

The holder of personal data has the right to obtain from DMDI confirmation that the data concerning him is or are not the object of processing and, if applicable, to access his personal data and access the information provided for by law.

right of correction

The holder of personal data has the right to obtain from DMDI, without undue delay, the rectification of inaccurate or incomplete data concerning him.

Right to deletion, limitation of data processing and portability

The holder of personal data has the right to request DMDI to delete their data, without undue delay, and DMDI has the obligation to delete the personal data when it applies, namely, to one of the following reasons:

  • Personal data are no longer necessary for the purpose for which they were collected or processed;

  • The data subject has withdrawn his consent to the processing of data (in cases where the processing is based on consent) and there is no other basis for such processing;

  • The holder is opposed to the processing and there are no prevailing legitimate interests that justify the processing;

The data subject has the right to obtain from the DMDI the processing limitation, if one of the following situations applies:

  • Challenge the accuracy of personal data, for a period that allows DMDI to verify its accuracy;

The processing of data is lawful and the data subject opposes the deletion of their personal data and requests, in return, the limitation of their use.

DMDI no longer needs personal data for processing purposes, but these data are required by the holder for the purposes of declaration, exercise or defense of a right in a legal proceeding.

If you have opposed the processing, until it is verified that the legitimate reasons of the data controller prevail over those of the data subject.

If the processing depends on the consent of the data subject and this consent has been provided by automated means, the data subject has the right to receive the personal data concerning him/her and which he/she has provided to DMDI in a structured format, in current use and automatic reading.

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